Thirty Flights of Loving is a First Person Perspective game with a decently interactive environment. The standard controls of PC games apply, WASD Movement and mouse look with the E for interactions with the aforementioned environment. The game wastes no time in dropping the player into the main game and has no tutorial to speak of though there are in game signs or indicators that reveal the controls or other relevant control aspects, much in the same way Gravity Bone was. There are items that can be picked up, such as bottles of whiskey, a Skorpion vz 61, and ammunition, but there is no real reason to do so considering there is no inventory system or weapon equip system to speak of. Considering the mechanics of this game are so simple and adaptable by PC games' standards there was no need to waste time with lengthy tutorial sequences and instead spends more time on letting the player interact with the environment and infer, from those surroundings, what the concepts, themes, and plot of the game are.
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